Credit card product changes can be a great way to acquire a new credit card without a hard pull and keep you from canceling a credit card. Product changes can also save you money on your credit card annual fees, even on those travel credit cards with high annual fees. And each bank product change rules are different. Chase product change will let you move between different Chase Ultimate Reward cards, and American Express product change rules have more restrictions.
0:00 – Start
1:09 – Citi
2:16 – Bank of America
3:24 – Chase
4:27 – Capital One
5:54 – Discover
6:49 – US Bank
7:56 – Wells Fargo
8:36 – American Express
10:11 – Barclay
10:57 – Wrap Up
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Anybody with a QS1 needs to be checking that upgrade offer every month. No reason to pay a fee for 1.5% cashback when you've already established your credit.
I’d love to PC Chase Southwest Priority to Chase Amazon Prime, sounds like it is a no but I’m going to try calling anyway.
Open question! Please help!!
If I have the Blue Cash everyday card for a year. Can I upgrade the blue cash everyday card to the blue cash preferred card and qualify for the intro bonus of the blue cash preferred at the time of upgrade?
I actually did consider signing up for Amex Blue Cash Preferred, snag the $250, then downgrade to everyday after a year because the reward is $100 more. But maybe I should just not do these kind of shenanigans…
I’ve product changed from Amex Hilton Surpass to Aspire and from Chase Freedom Unlimited to the Sapphire Reserve.
When do you think South west will increase their sign up bonus or personal and business cards again
I love my Amex gold card
Nothing but trouble with Crapital One. Chase and AmEx both treated me like a customer.
Love the shirt, where is it from?
Great video do one transferring credit card limit between the same bank.
Good video, WW. You definitely have me rethinking my Citi plans.
Does anyone think it's safe to apply for credit cards right now? I've been eyeing a couple but am nervous about approval during this COVID situation.
I have the cap1 quicksilver1, I’m paying the card in full 2morrow & I plan to upgrade to the quicksilver so I don’t have to pay the annual fee
This was such great content thank you very much.
Great video! I product changed one of my starter cards, the $39 annual fee Quicksilver One, to the no annual fee Venture One. Product changing is a great idea to avoid losing that credit history. Take care Dustin and stay safe.
So if I downgrade my airlines cards, will the new card automatically be linked to my aa advantage and skymiles account?
Hey Waller!
I have 4 chase credits cards(2 business and 2 personal) with 2 cards with $95 annual fees. I don’t wanna product change so I want to cancel those 2 cards. Will that have any bad effect on my relationship with Chase?
I have converted amex delta gold to Hilton!!
Thank you Waller! This was so extensive and helpful understand how the other banks treat product change.
Thank you for info
Captial one i had the venture, covid happened so i went to quicksilver orignally wanted to go Venture to Savor but they didnt let me i had to go quick silver, so hopefully i could change to savor shortly
Great video as usual
Bank of America is very fussy. We have a cruise line card with an annual fee. They keep charging the fee even though cruises are sidelined. There is a version of our card that does not have an annual fee so we asked to downgrade it. Bank of America said no. So same cruise line, card with no annual fee being offered on website looks exactly the same as ours. But yet we have to keep paying a fee. They blamed the cruise line. So we are waiting til the fee renews and then cancelling. Terrible…
What's my next credit card? I just started…have the Chase Sapphire Preferred and at the one year mark.
I like Hawaii, Portugal/Spain, tropical destinations. I have excellent credit. I do have a B of A cash card.