US national debt just hit $30 trillion. OMG! In this video we break down how we got into this mess and how you can protect your money from what may be about the happen.
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Let’s go brandon FJB
As long as the US dollar is the world’s currency …we are fine . War world 2 basically set us up for life. Exactly why we can just print more money and pay at anytime(not saying this is smart…inflation) . No more gold standard (1950s changed). These other countries buy goods/oil with dollars since their currency isn’t accepted . Not saying it could never change but shit would really have to hit the fan and money would probably be the least of our worries at that point.
Don’t worry guys got this. Just put it on my Amex gold which has no limit.
Well we're fucked. Doesn't seem like we're slowing down this pace anytime soon.
Good Material
Just get Amazon, Google and Apple etc to pay thier fair share of taxes lol. easy peasy!
Lol welcome to New York
It will be interesting if the US goes broke.
Great video!
Oh no you make this sound so scary! Good stuff tho’! “Our salaries eventually will go up” that was a good joke!🤣 and yes I would like to this into more details.
Am so glad to met you 👆👆👆you’re the real goat 🐐 💝
Am so glad to met you 👆👆👆you’re the real goat 🐐 ❤️
precciate this brodie. also would love to see content on different ways of hedging against inflation
"Just topped $30 trillion"
Sees that it's already $10.1bil past that point
I guess you can say it "just topped." But wow that shows the perspective…
Wars don't takes life's, the are really expensive.
Scary thing is… just a couple of years ago, it was only $21 trillion.
1 in 4 existing US dollars were created in less than these most recent 2 years. The other 3 out of 4 dollars were created over a 106 year span.
Doomsday scenario? Ditch the precious metals, you’ll want bottle caps, trust me
So people are killing, stealing, and whatever else for printed paper that the government literally doesn't care about. Like why are "WE" breaking our backs and worrying our lives working for something that our government is indebted to and from the looks of it won't be debt free nowhere in the near or far future as the currency is literally worthless.
There's no real concern at the federal government level to address its over budget spending & the national debt, so it'll just be a matter of time before the debt forces itself to become an issue.
Thank You fab
it's ok, just make up more lies and go to WW3 with China then money won't matter anymore cause everyone will be gone
There is No way out for the American, economy; no matter what they do, the crash is coming.
You should have stuck to credit cards, rather than parroting right wing propaganda.
I contributed my like! Also glad to see you mentioned the series i bonds. I bought some myself at the end of last year. Of course like you mentioned, if the dollar goes belly up then it's not useful at all, but as long as the dollar is strong this is a nearly risk free way to hedge against inflation
Ah, actually, the pseudo national debt is meaningless as is the federal deficit which is, of course, irrelevant.
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Your level of understanding this topic is embarrassing.
gg usa, gg
Great content !
If america remove their military bases around the world it can save some money lol
The 30trillion figure has nothing to do with war and everything to do with the welfare state.