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Video Outline:
0:00 Introduction
0:32 TurboTax
1:01 Do I Need to Pay Tax
1:45 Capital Gains
4:06 Mining Crypto
6:54 Crypto Exchange
7:39 Capital Losses
8:24 Turbo Tax
9:30 Internal Revenue Service
Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Brian Jung does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
#investortaxes #turbotax #sponsored
Only if you used Coinbase, you will get taxed. 😂 Otherwise you are good
Cool Brian thanks!
How would this effect people not living in the U.S
I definitely needed this. I am crying doing my crypto taxes right now and it is a PAINNNNNN. Thank you for this video BJungy!
Welcome back stranger
Thanks Brian, what if you don't sell and only buy, does that need to be reported?
Thank you for this video
Death and taxes smh
What if I'm at an all time loss? 😅
Are other investors not based in the US be taxed ???
Wait, its not a currency, but they tryna make a US Dollar in crypto, what gives?
If I have $37 realized loss and $38 gain in Coinbase rewards do I have to report that? I only really made a dollar
What if I started at the end of last year and never sell. I only been exchanging that’s all.
So on top of buying usd for crypto they want to tax you too?
What do you think about APE coin???
what if you do not sales ?
Hey Brian, which website or spreadsheet would you recommend for tracking gains / losses?
Great job, thanks for sharing interesting videos. worth subbing and liking 🙂 a fellow creator ^^
Great job. Thanks
<Thank you for always being constant with the videos regardless of market Bull / Bear. Analyst & Holders remains indecisive on the current price movement on BTC but the market being unpredictable, trading is always a 'Go For Thing' for me. With Tristan Mikhailov's help I've accumulated over 4btc using his methods and strategies. Forget predictions and start making good profit now because future valuation are all speculation and guesses.
Excellent update!!!
Brian .. great video as always .. apprec ur content. U make everything easy to listen and understand .. very grateful for u. Keep up the good work.
Can you do a video of apecoin
taxes…. yawn.
Thank you again for the great help and videos!!!
Great video Brian. I am doing a turbo tax bud but from a Canadian perspective. Love your content always well done!
Wow this is so complicated compared to Canada.
What about cash back in crypto? Gifts in crypto? Donations in crypto? Bonus crypto?
Sol 🔥
In my country we dont play crypto taxes😁😁😁😁 Portugal rules😉😉😉
Fuckem and the irs
Thanks so much Brian, your videos are always helpful, what do you think about Nigeria on crypto.
Hello everyone