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Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Brian Jung does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
Should I sell my Eth at 2800?
This was good video!! It was interesting. Txs. You lit up talking about the cars.
Hey buddy. A lesson I learned that keeps me going beyond just numbers and goals is Giving. And while it may sound a cliche, I’m not talking a about philanthropy even though it’s great. For me it was figuring out how to take what I love and what I built and giving the same opportunity to people who are hungry for it. It’s a challenge, it’s a huge investment in people since you are giving your time. However I found that excites me and helps me wake up in the morning with fire in my stomach so that’s the journey I’m on. You sound like in a similar place to where I am. Remember to appreciate the blessings in your life.
Lol. Its ok to admit to being bougie mang. Its what we want the money for. Spring water sounded more bougie than steak 😂
The headphones part. You do make sense
Great video!
What state you live in
You made it in such a young age. Wow….
You're into TM?
Hmmm maybe just cut the time of the videos.. Make it shorter. Hit bullet points and bounce…
I am learning a lot. Great content. Just subscribed.
liking the vlog type of video
Yo Brian do you use Facebook ?
I could watch his life 24 hours a day 🙂
Like the vlog type videos man !
Great video Brian! It's interesting to hear what is on your mind as a content creator. Loved the fridge tour, I want to watch you grill some steaks next!
Dude great video loved it please more content like this
Love your music. What is the name of the song and the singer?
Really awesome watch 🙂 x
I love this style video from you!
Crazy how people like this would never make it in the darker side of life
Brain dont stop making videos, everytime you stop the market go down
5 gallons 20 bucks 😉
“Here’s our Caucasian” LOL
thanks for the insight mate
Damn shawty
Thank you man! Feel motivated again
I liked you better when you drove a Toyota
My man doin half reps smh
Been seeing your contents since amex gold rose days. What a growth my guy. Motivations👌🏻
Brian keep up the good work I enjoy all your content . I have a full time job and I side hustle on the side I work 14 hour days 7 days a week. I started investing into crypto a few months ago still kind of new to all this, your videos are very helpful and I just wanted to say thank you. I invest 100 dollars a week into different coins. Hopefully one day I can start workless and enjoy life more anyways . Once again keep up the great work .
I love the vlogs, will definitely look forward to the next one!
How tall are you? I’m 5’9 and I’m
Pretty lean and cut but I weight 174😂 I should be around 145-150
Awesome vid bro .. what song was that on your way to the gym ?
“G stands for… the gang” cuts off immediately lmaooo
How do you have so much money?!
Love these videos! down for more of these mate.
Lamborghini 🤦🏼♂️ waste of money 🤷🏼♂️ buy a house first ✌🏼
Favorite video broooo! Like seeing what your life is like!
Brian can you upload more vlogs like this?
From the best channels in the crypto community
DMV needs more Lambos 👍
You should do these more