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Great break down
Why 39.6? Just do 40 at that point, less confusing.
I don’t feel bad for millionaires and billionaires at all. Tax the sh!t out of them.
Only an idiot would even think that taxing unrealized gains is fair in any way. What about when the 10 million dollar investment goes down to 8 million and you have an unrealized loss? Does the government give you a refundable tax credit? I doubt it's in there!
Loving this content 👏🏼 👏🏼
Keep voting Democrat 🙂 you reap what you sow.
Biden thinks like my bipolar ex wife. When you're in debt & your credit cards are maxed out you apply for another credit card.
Resorting to Click bait? Tax hike for ultra Rich & corporations that aren’t contributing.
Yet our tax rates remain some of the lowest rates in the first world.
This stupid guys is giving money away to other countries when Us citizens are getting poorer and having a lot of debt
So what’s stopping these large business owners from pushing the cost Down to the workers and middle class in the way of less raises and bonus’s and layoffs?
Good summary!
Finally. Tax the tax cheats and start rebuilding the middle class.
So they want to push even more American companies out of the country… hmmm… smart !
Besides, if the damn government learned and implemented proper financial responsibility, they would easily have that money !
Thugs with a USA flag on their suits… RIP American Innovation.
Tax is theft
You do a really good job of breaking down the news and putting in your two cents. Much appreciated.
Well at least I know my tax dollars are spent wisely and carefully…
No point in spending much time discussing this proposed budget because it won’t get passed by Congress. They’ll end up doing continuing resolutions to fund the government. PS – property taxes are high in red states too and many people in Florida are impacted by $10k SALT cap. It’s not just the Residents of blue states that got screwed by the so called 2017 “tax cuts and jobs” act.
7% corporate tax rate hike would be horrid for all US businesses. We pay enough taxes as it is.
Biden is an idiot haha…can’t believe so many people voted for him
Great job as always Master Shifu!
Don’t tax the corps. Tax the individuals that run them. Then they can’t pass the buck on to the less fortunate. 0% corporate tax rate! Then the employees and customers are cared for still. Tax on a business is a tax on the bottom level employees.
I wonder how the poor millionaires and billionaires will survive such tough times. Hopefully they have their 6-month emergency fund saved up.
Can democrats disappear already please
It’s garbage that the US can’t tax unrealized capital gains. Ever hear of property taxes? I pay them and billionaires can too. And no the 1% don’t pay the majority of taxes since they don’t pay taxes to begin with. The 1% are a group who are designated by the government to be rich. I won’t shed one tear for them.
This will cause high net worth individuals to leave the US and gain another passport.
Biden is a moron. All these politicians want to do is tax the hard-working citizens to death so they can waste money on complete garbage. Nothing more than a bunch of incompetent buffoons.
"to be fair"….Biden won't re-elected in 2024 (especially with a 30% approval rating and trending down) – – no wonder the budget starts to increase in 2025. Can anyone think of a more slimy thing to do….he just accused the former administration of mismanaging the budget and he's fixing it! Ha! Shows you, better to have a businessman in charge than a 50 year veterern politician. Biden is a failure!
Let's Go Brandon!