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A $100 dollar bill to me now is as valuable as a $1 dollar bill used to be back in middle school. the motto of this irresponsible political party has always been – ruin the economy with poor policies, then try to "fix" ruined economy with even more disastrous policies. i personally am ok with this, i can absorb 20% price hike on everything with no problem, as long as we bring on maximum pain so the masses can learn the hard way and wake up come next election.
why does everyone think the XL pipe worth something right now? it would take 5 years for it to effect the US since its a Canadian export out of America.
pUtiNs PrIcE hIkE
They are called I-bonds. Look into them. They've been earning 7.12% interest since last November 1. When the rate is reset on May 1 (will be announced before that) they will likely top 8.00%. What's your CD making? Your checking account? I-Bonds. Look into them.
Bidenflation is YUGE 8.5% A record breaking 40 year mark since 1981. Cash is melting away fast !
This was predicted by economists with 8.4%, so close to 8.5%.
The pipeline won’t lower gas prices. We’re already buying that oil and using it. It’s just not a functional talking point for this issue.
Putin didn't cause our problems. Biden-Harris and the Socialist Democrats (with RINO collaborators) caused our problems. They're blaming Putin so stupid people won't realize we were having these problems for over a year before Putin.
Tennessee does not have state income tax. So, if Ben could work remotely he might be able to hedge inflation.
The American economy was recovering nicely under President Trump, after a decade of Obama's Great Recession. But then Fauci and the Democrats created Covid-19, which wrecked everything. If we had President Trump now, things would not nearly be as bad. We'd be energy independent. Manufacturing would be returning to America. Things would not nearly be as bad as Biden and the Democrats have made it.
This is what happens when you vote for Democrats
The people who voted all this in are the ones getting affected the most inflation is terrible it isn't going to go down any sooner. That pipeline was a Terrible move by the current administration. Well wait he's an idiot and pretty much all of the ones in the government are. They never try to help they just make it worse. They hand out money like it's free and who is going to pay for it all the working person and small businesses. When we print money like it's free what did we expect. We shut everything down and stopped the entire economy on a virus that had a 97 to 99 percent survival rate for most people. I don't get it. And the WH is just trying to down play it and him blaming Putin like really dude. You know you messed up and have Terrible policies. SMH…
hope y'all realize already inflation's much worse than the govt has been lying to us about.
Recession Joe
The last time it was this high it was on the way down and the feds interest rates were 16% its going to get a lot worse. Lgb fjb
The next fed rate hike needs to be 2 full points no more of these measly .25% hikes
The reason we have inflation is too much liquidity, stock market will continue going up as long as there is infusion of money, that has little to do with inflation.
Assuming interest rates go up to 1980’s levels and we stop printing money, the economy will stabilize, though Margaret Tatcher was a polarizing figure, she reigned in inflation and negotiated a great deal to join the EU, she was re-elected to 3 terms despite taking many unpopular decisions, ultimately people understood short term pain was worth, thanks to her the UK had the most prosperous decades in modern history, up until Brexit.
Currently no one in the US is willing to take meaningful action to stop the economy from faltering. Not de executive or the legislative branches of US government, not even the federal reserve which is their “job” to keep the economy from heating up to much or stalling, at least when inflation was high in the 80’s money market accounts earned a decent interest rate, which encouraged people to save more.
High score! We should strive for 10% by next year!
The bubble will pop…we have gotten to the point where a recession is 100% going to happen again. No need to panic, but you should prepare. A recession is a minor inconvenience when compared to what a lot of the rest of world is dealing with at the moment.
Everything was already going up, Putin just didn't help the situation. We were already heading down the road.
Mean Twitter posts and $2 gas are sounding pretty good right now.
Who could imagine that a man barely conscious enough to complete a sentence would lead our economy astray…I-Series Bonds seem to be the only way to combat this trend. Though these are hindered by their 10k annual cap.
Uncle Joey is doing great
Guess even finance channels have to pick their political team. The world economy is so much more complicated than one man or administration.
The cost of sanctions wars with Russia
this jump is higher than the recent Fed hike and by the time the next hike comes, the inflation number will be in double digits
Keystone XL pipeline wouldn’t increase oil supply, it only transports oil. It wouldn’t bring the price of oil down more than 1% nationally.
gas is $5 now in las vegas
First is dumb Trump and now a clown biden!!
Glad I don't have any money in the bank then. I'd be losing money.
ThNks for the video Ben! Although I love your credit card vids, I really appreciate this content too. I can yell you have a passion for it!
Ben I love your financial content but I couldn't help but notice your discussion on the Keystone pipeline, and your comments on another thread about the Green New Deal affecting oil companies. It definitely sucks that gas prices are rising but continuing to invest in non-renewable energy — and especially that which displaces Indigenous communities — will not help anyone going forward. The oil issue is a lot more complicated than money. We talk about investment, but without more serious consideration about our environmental practices, there won't be a future to invest in. There's a lot of other ways to address our host of systematic money issues than rallying around an oil pipeline.
Ben, being a republican is all well and good in our country but being a Trump supporter is too extreme…. unsub :_(