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Track: Halcyon & Valentina Franco – Runaway (Heuse Remix) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: youtu.be/5bj44xI2oWw
Free Download / Stream: ncs.io/RunawayHeuseRemix
NOTE: The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.
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Earlier this year southwest had a 35000 bonus points on 5000 dollar spend and you would earn a companion through February 2023. Needless to say i am flying around like a bird these days.
Great video Ben!!
An absolute dumpster fire for the Amex changes. The previous ones were bad too but the dumpster wasn't set aflame.
AMEX Gold is a relic of what it was. Keeps getting worse with every new change they make.
Hate that they removed Boxed…
All credibility is lost. In N Out is the superior race
I travel fulltime as an electrical controls technician and got the business and personal cards last year. Been able to fly my wife with me for free. Has been the biggest saving investment through a credit card that I will ever have. Super grateful for it. Respect to southwest for doing great service comparable to Delta which ive traveled for 3 years previously. They say they luv me.
You're so on it and always keep me informed. Thanks so much!
I went a Shake Shack in Hong Kong and ordered a mushroom burger. I thought I would get a burger with mushrooms, nope, I got a big deep fried mushroom with bread.😆
Most people need a 37% return on currently owned stock sign up bonus credit card nowadays.
Talking about high SUBs, if you search it up you can still get the Amex delta reserve at 125k and the business gold at 90k!
You’re missing out if you’ve never been to Ruths Chris. I highly recommend it!
I'm east coast. Do enjoy Shake Shack a lot but I really believe In-N-Out is better. Whenever I travel to the west coast – or a location that has an In-N-Out, my first stop always is In-N-Out. If I don't have a rental but have a driver, my first request is the closest In-N-Out. 🍔
American Express should just have a $10 restaurant credit (A credit that should work directly at the restaurant) per month on the Gold card. It would just be easier and way less complicated.
Whataburger 🍔 FTW!
be real, in n out is superior, ben! great update on the southwest card. i've been looking at it for a while. so nice to hav you break it down for us
I’m really not a fan of any of the AMEX monthly credits, seems like a way of getting you to spend more money to get a discount and I usually have to forget that I have to order something from for the credit every month.
Companion Pass is amazing, I’ve had it with my wife since middle of 2021. I recommend holding off until Nov/Dec when they tend to offer the 2-tier bonus for 100,000 points (50,000 for $2,000 initial spend, then 50,000 for $10,000 in the first year/6 months) so that last 25,000 points in spend is not as painful.
They BETTER keep Shake Shack
I yearn to hear 'Credit Shifu' during the intro pieces again.
Las Vegas got both shake shack and in and out 😂
i went to that shake shack at Woodbury outlet! very busy…
Don't know California, but we have Shake Shake in Arizona !
Man really said shake shack > In n out.
I liar and a cheat.
I can say that Gold Belly is pretty good. In-laws got some for my wife and I because they have gluten free items that they sell. Was good, not sure if that is helpful to anyone but thought I would throw it out there
I'm looking for a pre paid credit card.. not debit..
Any recommendations..
I know this isn't your wheelhouse..
Feels bad for us customers you dont have the cobalt card. In canada I got mine I earned 1500 points in one month off of 500$ on my card. I would never trade it in for any other card since most my money spent is in dining and groceries. I have better point rewards than some platinum card holders. I just wish more stores would take amex I still have to pull out my visa in some stores.
I love my Amex Gold card but what’s keeping me from also getting the platinum is all the hoops they make you jump through in order to break even on the yearly fee and I feel like its even worse for the platinum card
Never been to shake shack, but In n Out is Garbage.
Are you from Long Island !?!
Is it possible to get 2 southwest cards and therefore use 2 sign up bonuses to hit the companion pass target?