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Video Outline:
0:00 Intro
0:42 Market Analysis
2:49 Market Factors
5:51 My Recession Tips
7:12 BlockFi Breaking News
9:06 Grayscale ETF
10:24 Final Thoughts
11:18 iTrustCapital & Outro
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Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the links and other products that appear are from companies which Brian Jung may earn a small affiliate commission. The offers shown in these videos are competitively the best offers you can find all while supporting this channel.
Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Brian Jung does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
#Crypto #Bitcoin
Can you make us a special videos about BRC20 Chain please??
Metaverse 💪🏻
What london will be bombed first??
First my portfolio got destroyed, now where I live too!?
I wonder how SAND is doing?
Great update! My “vines” are full of grapes waiting to make wine!😬
Dam🤮 the world will go into WW3 before any increases in any currency
"…THIS IS JUST A PEN" hahahaha..
Greatest buy time in history
exceptional vines research
I don't think the term black swan event can really be used, the ''war'' in Ukraine could be over by now, it could have been over 5 years ago, but that's not what was required by those who ''lead'' the world.
I literally LOL’ed when Brian said “This is just a pen.” 🤣🤣🤣
I'll just buy a small amount each time it drops again. Thank god I have enough fiat and tether laying around for that
Great video as usual Brian. VINES!!
Good pep talk! Thanks Brian! 😎
Have you made a full video explaining iTrust Capital?
Looking for Friday Cosmos Atom Ethereum Cardano Algo.
This will give more buying opportunities for those who still have USDT in reserve
I have $86k held on the trading platform I rm WBIT today their website is down I've been trying to withdraw USDT funds and I can't get a hold of them. Have you heard anything about WBIT
only if trump was in the office I don't agree on some of his actions but u can't deny that man knows how to run a country