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Video Outline:
0:00 Intro
0:36 Liquidation Data
1:05 NFT Volume
3:18 Market Analysis
4:31 Celsius Bankruptcy
7:52 Final Thoughts
8:15 Outro
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Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Brian Jung does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
#Crypto #Bitcoin
Um Celsius is Insured whiwas a selling point, FDIC insured.
loving the music, thanks for the info.
Wolf wolf!!
Thank you for the content Brian, it keeps things positive and realistic. I also want to say to all those out there who invested in Celsius, stay positive and keep a sound mindset in the whole process. The time i invested in an exchange like Celsius and lost a few thousand dollars it was a bit discouraging, but I knew what my long term and short term goals were and I kept going. I'm trusting and praying that Celsius does the honorable thing by releasing everyone's funds. We have got to keep our head above water to be successful traders and investors.
2022 belongs to SafuuX blockchain… Go Safuu!!!!!
Wolf 🐺
I have my Matic that I’ve built since 2019 in Celsius And I’m really sick to my stomach I probably won’t get it back.
Wolf!!! 🐺 Thanks for the update buddy!
Love your videos jung✨
Thanks for the update, bro! That's the reason why you should never put USDT into these lending platforms
Wolf, cheers for the market overveiw
Sad wolf. 😔
Wolf gang
I sold everything back Feb right before the LUNA UST/Anchor crash and so grateful that I'm able to get back in at all of these low prices…. I never got a good feeling about Celsius – It really sucks people getting locked out of there funds
Thank god a withdrawn all my usdt from it a while ago. Dodged a big one
If you don't do something about your financial situation, your income will relatively remain unchanged. While your consumption and expenses will continue to rise… when this happens, that's the activation of poverty.