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Video Outline:
0:00 Intro
0:31 Some Background
2:31 What Happened
11:40 What I Learned
17:24 How to Prepare
20:26 Outro
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I have taught self defense workshops. A few general tips I give:
1. Know the carry rules for your area (State, County, City) because you don’t want to get a counter-suit. Firearms, stun guns, pepper sprays, knives, monkey fist (steel ball you mentioned), batons, etc. could be illegal to carry. If anyone wants recommendations on a good, plastic force multiplier, the Travel Wrench or Saf-T Wrench (better for smaller hands) is a good option (can buy from
2. Yes, always be aware of surroundings when walking. Stay off your phone, don’t do noise canceling headphones, if you have listen through headphones or only put one ear in (usually towards the houses) if you need music while running.
3. Trust your gut instincts/judgment of someone and just avoid them, when able to do so. Cross a street, slow down, go back inside for a few minutes, move to a different parking spot, etc. Your animal instinct of, you look or act different than me, so I’m going to be cautious is fine. If once you meet/interact with them and they prove to be okay, then you’re not being bigoted (though everyone these days will try to push that on you, you’re just trying to stay safe and that doesn’t harm anyone else).
4. As often as possible, choose your attire for function over fashion. Especially with footwear…most modern shoes actually fuck our feet up anyways, so you’ll be doing your body a favor too.
5. Regularly train to be able to run at least 100m. Most people won’t chase you further than that, and learning some basic self defense concepts is always good (ladies – with the prevalence of sexual assault situations, learning some basic grappling concepts can help you off balance them to get up and away). Ultimately, if you’re attacked, fight like hell, once the fight is on!
6. Remember that avoidance is #1. “Your opinion of me is none of my business.” And avoid Stupid people, doing Stupid things, in Stupid places, at Stupid times (4 S’s).
Also, Brian, from your video, you were far too close that if you were carrying, you likely would have been stabbed if you went to deploy without moving. One of the guys I know that teaches conceal carry courses actually does a distracted on your cell phone drill to break people of the habit of not just dropping their phone and moving/deploying. First time through, nearly everyone tries to keep hold of their phone or put it away and then deploy. And within 21’, an attacker with a knife will almost always get to you before you can draw and get on target…without moving to create space/time.
Anyways, hope this info helps anyone around this topic. There is way way more information around self-protection, I recommend finding someone credible in your area to train with, as crime continues to rise (will until politics, justice system, and societal behavior changes…which is unlikely to happen).
brian…run…never engage…its not worth it…im from philippines…
glad u are fine…
think you should press charges. what kindda person would brandish a knife and wanna stab pple from just a bump?
one time i think i almost got mugged. was after work around 11pm, i parked my car down the road… like 2mins walk to my home. street was empty. as i was walking, i saw a man walking towards me. as he got nearer, he was asking if i could give him some money for the bus. strange. there is no bus stop nearby and this is sorta like a gated community. busses dont pass here. i asked him what is he doin in this area… he gave me some BS story about finding a friend but he's not home, etc…. suddenly i felt a presence behind me. i shifted my direction slightly to see another guy approaching from other side…. ive seen enough movies to know this could be a trap. i just ran off as the 1st guy was still talking. hell… i dont care if its coincidental or he genuinely needed help…. better safe than sorry.
It's an Asian hate crime
4:17: “It was a knife like this, but it was a little bit crappier”😂
Yep crime seems to get worse everywhere. I see it where I live. Lots of homeless people with mental illness. Also, there are people just looking to hurt someone. Get some self defense lessons and carry a weapon. Stay off of your phone when walking around. Even in your neighborhood. Security is an illusion.
Hate crimes exist, can happen to anyone. Stay safe Brian
Screw a phone pull a firearm and defend yourself.
It's crazy because things like that can happen at any time, anywhere, to anyone. Cool to see you saw the brighter side when you said, "it was like a HIIT Cardio" and I understand the reaction to record seemed right at the time. I wish you the best, stay blessed, stay humble, stay safe my brother 🙏🏿
Aww I’m so sorry this awful thing happened to you! Sending love and prayers your way 💕
gotta keep that head on a swivel. though it most likely wasnt racially motivated we also gotta understand that just being asian makes us a target sometimes esp if you gonna rock jewelry or that watch. be safe bro! #KoreanPrideWorldWide
Montgomery county is the safest county in Maryland but simultaneously next to the most ghetto and dangerous county which is P.G. county.
I love your videos! An angel was definitely protecting you that day!!
Time to get your cc and start carrying 😊
Stay Safe everyone.
I think I’ve seen a YouTube summit thing in LA by the airport. My cousin is a huge YouTuber and she showed me it. Not 100% sure it’s the same one you’re talking about though
Take care brother
Glad you are safe!
I'm glad you're safe, Brian… I actually do security part time ⏲️ so I'm always aware of my surroundings.
It is what it is, stay alert and don't let your guard down.
u earned my respect during this video, im subscribed but now i wish i could double subscribe
glad you're okay dude
Just because they have a mental illness doesn’t mean they can’t commit a crime
Glad your safe man!!
hahahahaha Briaaan. keep it crypto. we have enough YouTube videos, don't worry, market will be back soon.
Looks like skinny jeans saved your life.
Sig p365x macro and you will forget all about the Glock 43x
It’s a game changer
My edc since it came out
Stay safe brother
Stay safe everyone…defend yourselves
So sorry to hear about your experience. I actually had similar experience in Italy last year, when I noticed someone acting strange when my partner and I entered a park. This person kept following us, and acting like they weren't following us when we looked back. It was very alarming at the time. I'm always aware of my environment, and watch out for this. Glad you are Okay.
crime is coming into safer areas cause thats what happens when you elect democrats. (im not republican either) but thats the fact right now. they want america to crumble. get you a gat and stay strapped bruh.. be safe 💯
Exactly how i would expect the criminal to look. What a coward to pull a knife out over this
its a hate crime against Asians. Stay safe my man!
what kind of absolute psycho runs around trying to stab people for no reason?
I'm happy you are safe🙏
Im glad you are ok Brian. Please stay safe its getting more dangerous out there.
Thank God you are ok Brian…You did the right thing by running away and protecting those other people that had no idea what was going on. This was an awesome and informative video and thank you so, so much for sharing…Please be safe! No cap…You look even sexier then usual demonstrating the use of your weapons 😉
i need to get the strap asap