These are the best credit cards for road trips. With one of these cards in your wallet, your next road trip just got cheaper. You can get up to 6% cash back, free hotel rooms, and free car rentals. Click “SHOW MORE” for affiliate disclosure.
Whether you’re planning a family road trip vacation, a girlsā getaway, on the road for work, or relocating across the country with the right card you can earn lots of cash back and points.
Blue Cash Preferred from American Express
Chase Sapphire Reserve
Chase Freedom Unlimited
Wells Fargo Cash Wise Visa
Read the blog post.
Watch this video to learn how to earn cash back, airline miles and points at restaurants
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#creditcards #roadtrip #travelwell4less
Which is your favorite credit card for road trips?
This is such a good video! Super applicable too especially since there's lack of traveling via planes right now.
Also a good card for road trips is the PNC Cash Rewards: 4% on Gas, 3% on Dinning, & 2% on groceries on up yo $8k/year & 1% everything else
These are great tips. I will look at the American Express card (the first one in the vid). Maybe you can also add the annual fee for each cards in your description box?
Great tip about buying giftcards at places where you get huge discounts!
Iām interested in getting hotel rooms and rental cars for traveling. Which card would u suggest for me?