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Video Outline:
0:00 Introduction
0:40 Crypto Sponsorship
1:32 Crypto Market Price Analysis & 3 Reasons Why The Market Crashed
2:56 #1 Why The Crypto Market Crashed
3:21 The Evergrande Group Situation Explained Thread
9:22 Why Evergrande Really Affected Crypto Today
10:03 #2 Why The Crypto Market Crashed
10:53 #3 Why The Crypto Market Crashed
11:55 5 Crypto Market Manipulation Tactics
12:21 Pump and Dumps Explained
13:25 Whale Walls Explained
13:45 Wash Trading Explained
14:13 Stop Hunting Explained
14:45 FUD Explained
16:40 US Authorities Investigate Binance for Manipulation
19:20 How To Successfully Beat The Market Crash & Win BIG
21:00 Altcoins vs Bitcoin During Market Dips
21:38 Using Moving Averages For Market Dips
22:00 Psychological Floor Price – Even Numbers are KEY.
23:36 Important Key Takeaways
24:40 Channel Announcements!
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Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the links and other products that appear are from companies which Brian Jung may earn a small affiliate commission. The offers shown in these videos are competitively the best offers you can find all while supporting this channel.
Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Brian Jung does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
#Crypto #Bitcoin
Strong Hands
Were you selling on amz?
Thanks for the video!
Would you recommend buying Cardone @ $2.21? I bought 229 earlier this week @ $2.15
All of your Patreon Memberships are sold out 😭
Will you open your Patreon for more subscribers?
I miss you already
super show
I think there are forces at play, that are doing this on purpose, to try and crash the free market economy on purpose. Just like I firmly believe that, Covid 19 was released on purpose to do the same.
can you do a video about XPR and stellar
Notifications are on but im not getting notified😵 love the content!! Xrp🌔
<< Awesome content, I've always admired the content and informative nature of this channel mate 🙌🏻, you doing great. Hell breaks loose after just a few days of the plunge in the price level of the major cryptocurrencies. Many of us keep forgetting that crypto is obviously exposed to a volatile market environment, although I am 100% sure that crypto would rise in the long run (new investors keep turning to crypto as an investment location) although a seasoned trader would personally agree a trader earns a lot regardless of the price of cryptocurrencies and that a price drop is equally an opportunity to acquire stocks for profitable trading, with Brenda Simpson I would say trading went smoothly for me, I started at 1.5 BTC and raised over 5.2 BTC in just three weeks using the trading strategy given to me by veteran trader Brenda Simpson
Great content as always 🔥
I really wanted to watch *THE END*
Solana opportunity
Dude amazing work ❤️
Excellent tips at how to buy the dip.
Cardano summit on 25th!!
So many people stalking there lives on crypto, and losing them.
LOL, when you wake up you will see the crypto ands stock market is up today. Seems this real estate bubble in China isn't that catastrophic. BTW: I live in SE Asia.
Crypto is not available in the United States area
Good honest content
THEOS is a hybrid NFT decentralized market which offers intelligent contract infrastructure.
Hello Brian, today was my 1st visit to your channel. You were too goood in explaining the financial and crypto situation.
I am Impressed with the analysis. Thanks and love from India
What are you guys buying on this dip?! Considering entering some SOL/AVAX/ADA/DOT positions
Thanks for the update
Does this mean I can finally buy a graphics card without paying an arm and a leg?
We notice when you’re missing Brian! Enjoy Austin, def some good BBQ out there. Let’s go buy these dips!!! Scooped ETH at $2,750
Short video please
Evergrande story is insane….
time to load up
El Salvador is turning the country into all crypto. Any idea what is the impact?
Great video Brian – best on yt
we are seeing a carbon copy of the Wykoff pattern that played out up to the crash in May
what site did you use to see the 200 day rolling average? 21:44 in your video. thanks
Excellent warning about the manipulation method about shilling a crypto, then "pulling the rug" on unsuspecting investors.
Amazing material! Could you please make a vid about ERGO? Thoughts?
I am just making enjoying 60$ everyday 😂
I was literally about to buy crypto, but waited, then it crashed.
It did crashed and I added more SOL, ADA and ETH to my atomicwallet.