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I enjoyed the video for sure! What kind of ultra-wide monitor is that on your desk
Even though you don't produce much of these types of videos, they're one of my favorite to watch
Damn bro electric toothbrush? Too rich for my blood grats bro you made it!!
Nice car
Where’s the hoodie from?
Very sensitive to stimulants, in most parts of the world tea has more caffeine than coffee. Just a FYI
Nice video bro. Different and authentic.
wearing a mask outside!? smh
Love these!
excellent content brother!
I think you also watch Biaheza
Used to work in Rockville a decade ago on Rockville Pike 355 next to Best Buy!
Behind the scenes was cool. Very relatable! 👍
Awesome Brian definitely keep these up love you man!
jung nation 💪👀👍
i fw the vlogs, these hard
Great content Brian!! I've been here since your credit days. These vlogs like this video and the one at the bitcoin convention are 2 of my favorites, especially the fact you met Mr. WONDERFUL
Idea: Skip video at 10pm for one day and drop video early morning the following day that way you’re not pressed to release the vid late at night and can start your drop schedule for mornings. Just a idea idk of time of day matters but seems like it would relieve a little bit of pressure from you. Great videos.
Please which application is good for downloading?
How to join your discord community?
that dump truck tho 👌
love these day in my life videos!!!
Man you do plenty of crypto. Add these in as well
Would love more videos like this, that gym session montage fired me up
Get those gains! Awesome video! I would love to hear about how you got in involved in getting into the restaurant business and if it was hard to do?
Brian jung swole asf
Really cool to see all the behind the scenes stuff! Lifestyles of the rich and famous 😉🤑
Tribal go hard brah 🤙🏽
Yeah man , that was nice to watch , I don't mind content like that.
Also , you make me wanna try harder 😅
16:09– mad thicc my boy😂
moreee vlogs!!
When I remember the day I met⤴️⤴️ this page above I’m always happy
When I remember the day I met⤴️⤴️ this page above I’m always happy
Trying to make sense of cryptocurrencies can be a bit overwhelming for investors. <It's a nascent but promising asset class built on technology that has the potential to disrupt a wide range of industries. For investors, what's probably most attractive is the possibility of life-changing returns. Don't worry, you're not late to the crypto party. We're likely still in the very early innings, leaving you with lots of time to put money to work and learn about this burgeoning market. If you're new to crypto then my advise is that you trade with the guidance of an expert. I have learned from alot of Youtubrs especially my mentor Marisa Nguyen, who taught me how to make trade and increase my portfolio to 17 btc lately.