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Video Outline:
0:00 Intro
0:28 Fed Decision?
1:19 Market Analysis
3:56 Bear Market Tips
6:44 Celsius News
7:50 CoinFLEX Major Update
10:54 Gamestop NFT
11:28 Outro
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⮕ 🔒 Yuibkey Data Protection Key
Tools & Resources I Use 🏢 Office Gear & My EDC ⮕
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Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the links and other products that appear are from companies which Brian Jung may earn a small affiliate commission. The offers shown in these videos are competitively the best offers you can find all while supporting this channel.
Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Brian Jung does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
#Crypto #Bitcoin
Inspirational 🔥
You have inspired me to continue the journey and become a Millionaire 🙌🙌
Warrior… is what you have made me in this bear market. I started back in September thinking I’d never see levels like that ever again, boy was I wrong. I have had to learn to set my emotions aside in this market because honestly I’d like to see myself as an investor not a trader.. so DCA no emotion and I’ll see ya in a few years when I pass that $1,000,000 threshold
you guys think Coinbase will be safe?
Yes it’s great to be diversified. I’m going to put some money on Votager, Celsius, Coinflex and Luna
Thank you for the update
Not your keys, not your crypto! Its not rocket science buddy.
Hodling like a true crypto warrior
Hey I would like u to do a review on nugen coin
Warrior . Thanx for the update
🙂 Warrior
Peak fear index occurs before the final dumb. Final dump is coming soon.
The real Brian Jung is not going to comment “lets talk”
Beware of these scammers
Love these updates!!!
Warrior is da word. Thanks Brian. You and Altcoin Daily is all I need to watch to know what’s going on in the market. Thanks for the videos.
warrior 🙂
big hug form germany, brian!
Warrior ! Thank you for the update.
Another great video "warrior".)
You are a warrior My man
Great video. I like how you bring us daily updates of what's going on in the market world. You're like a warrior when it comes to keeping your followers informed.
warriorr 💕
So do you think we have lost everything on our celsius? 🙁
i lost so much of my tether in this crash… thanks for your honest video man
How tall was Paul Volker jeez
We're all WARRIORs
Awesome video.. <I'm glad I make $20,000 weekly from trading with the assistance of my financial adviser. .
Anyone who had their crypto on an exchange paying 10% or 20% interest shouldn't be shocked to lose their money. It was always a ponzi scheme and they only work when more people put money in.