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Video Outline:
0:00 Intro
0:40 Bear Market Basics
2:17 Ethereum Price Analysis
4:06 DeFi & Ethereum
6:29 Why Ethereum?
10:43 After the Merge
11:41 Final Thoughts
12:55 Outro
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Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Brian Jung does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
#Crypto #Bitcoin
Hi Brian..!!
Second 🐻 market bro
can you do a vid about the diffrence bettween etherum and doge coin
ETH to the moon?
Etherium is bleeding today. How can this be a bull market?
Can't believe ETH was ~$900 just a few weeks ago… Excited for the future of ETH! Great video, Brian!
finally shows the degenerate gambler
Let's freaking goooooooooo
Thanks!; “Sponge”
Yo brother! I was waiting for this day since a long time, I too feel the same feeling 🙂
Sponge. Thanks!
Not going to last broski stay cash
ETH and Matic all the way baby👌
As a wise Spongebob once said " I sharded".
Bruh you still holding OMI?
Moon Boy is back
Thanks Jung. Have a good week. Btw i really like trueflation. It looks like inflation is dropping to one digit now. Sponge 🧽
Go all in in eth on 1650 $ why not get in 900$🤣😂😜
I will try to buy 50K of CRO for the long term and see what happens
Sponge, love you brain
Sponge 👊🏾
They will dump eth at the merge. Sadly predictable what these whales do. Then the little fish panic sell. Rinse repeat
I would not be able to risk all usdt for the sake of Ethereum, especially since I believe in another cryptocurrency more.
Sponge Bob! Thank!
Thank you, Brian! Sponge 🧽🙌
Thanks bro
Eth to 7k to 10k realistically
Sponge 🧽
I believe in eth long term !
There's literally no reason to be buying at these levels even if you're long term.
Long term upside of 200-300%,,,? More like 2000-3000% lol
Great video bud! Very informative. Absorbed it all like a sponge 😉
Eth, sphere finance and 100 days ventures DCA
that unsharp mask aint faking the 4k mate