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Video Outline:
0:00 Intro
0:46 Previous NFT Investments
5:05 My Story
5:42 What are Moonbirds
7:50 Why Moonbirds Won
10:35 3 Lessons in NFT Investments
12:41 FTX.US
13:54 Outro
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Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Brian Jung does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
#Crypto #Bitcoin
Keep up the work we are the future subscribe if u can
Team Loaded Lions!
Just got robbed buy somebody selling moon birds took all my eth and NFT
What brand hoodie are you wearing? Looks comfortable ✌️
Make a video about VeVe ⭕️📦
I needed this, I felt stuck. Jung you are seriously the best. I came from similar backgrounds and I will definitely start journaling. Thank you!
Really have to join this discord if you actually got your subscribers an alert for this massive pump!
if you like NFTs, i got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell. 💰💰💰
Check out cardano nfts Brian, look at the market cap in comparison to eths and do the math 🍻 also some sick collections and utility
I’m so bullish on the technology that’s being created in the crypto space, i’ve been inspired since day one! Keep up the awesome work.
Hoot hoot 2 U 2…lol. Thanks for the content Brian. ✌️
Hoot hoot!
Houte Houte
Hey Brian you should check out BTFA very similar to Bored Ape they are parter up soon
Hi what should i mint next? Im a noob
Hoot hoot thanks 🙏
Big fan of NFTs. They've changed my life, but it's a ton of work to make it worth it
What you think about cheeky lions club
what's a goot hoot?
Any SOL NFTs you think are currently undervalued, Brian? NFA, of course, just curious as to your thoughts.
Goot Hoot!
Thanks 💙
Can u still buy moonbird if yes can someone link the mint ?
Hoot hoot
Awesome video! I've lost money on 2/3 nfts I've purchased but I'm still 100% bullish on them. It takes times to understand and find the right ones. 😅🤷🏽♀️
Big love Jung 🙏Irrespective of what you do you need and earnings platform all thanks to Jung
Hoot Hoot!
you have a spammer on you channel scamming people…take care of it please
I’m holding garbage bags like chain link, vechain and stellar because of you
Man those NFT top shots ..
Thank you ❤️
hoot hoot woot woot ☄️
Solid information as usual. You make it look easy. Much love
Hoot-Hoot 🤪
I'm kinda getting into NFTs more and more lately. I was very impressed witht ArcadeNFT team's work. They already released few playable NFTs like Pac-Man, ToadRunners, Pinball and now they are releasing MetaDragonz which is like the snake game and you can play there against other people for Eth…So excited about it
Hooty Hooooo!!! Haha. Thx for the info, brotha! Much love!
Thank you, just the video that I was needing to watch. I keep missing out on these blue chips.
What is the use case for this nft? You said there was one but didn’t state what it is. Thanks