In this video I take you through the levels of luxury coffer from the most ordinary to the most expensive coffee in the world. So after a few pacific island coffees we get to the real big hitters, Kopi Luwak, and then Black Ivory coffee.
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Ii think that I will stick to Starbucks
Graham will have an aneurysm after watching this
James Hoffmann will have a field day with the technique used, comparisons here. Pod coffee? Blade Grinder?! I am not sure if this video is a parody! Also if you put milk into the coffee, you are adding sugar (Milk has natural sugars) and also fat, so any taste would not be just from the coffee. I understand this is how you like it but for a serious comparison, you need to drink them all the same way, without milk.
Hence….not sure if this video is a parody.
If you’re going to put milk in the coffee might as well just use Folgers.
The amateur review!
you assaulted the coffee beans with the way you brewed them 🙁
You're gonna enrage all of the coffee nerds on the Internet. Me included.
Global pricing index 1 to 10 scale: 1-Graham Stephan iced coffee —> 10-Black Ivory elephant coffee
This was awesome shifu. I love coffee! But im good with my nespresso. They had a limited edition kona blend from Hawaii for the verturo line. It was excellent. Very smooth! 👍🏼
I would love to see Graham react to this video
I pretty much draw the line at Kona… and also at defecation.
Awesome! I love coffee and this is great
😂😂😂😂😂😂 the butt of a elephant i’m weak!!!
I don’t like butt stuff.
Nespresso pods 🚩, blade grinder 🚩. Making coffee this way is the equivalent of buying a frozen white castle cheeseburger at the grocery store instead of making your own with fresh ingredients. Total waste drinking high end coffee this way. Get a good burr grinder, fresh whole beans and use a proper pour over setup if you really want to dabble in higher end coffee.
Evian water is absolutely horrid. I cant believe u wasted those expensive coffees with evian water???
Read that word backwards
Cool video! I LOVE my Nespresso!
Graham Stephen pooping out of his eyes right now
Not trying to troll at all but how can you taste the coffee with all that milk and foam mixed in with it? The way that the professional cuppers taste and grade specialty coffee is black.
I don't drink coffee.
But I love elephant dung.
1. Kudos for not buying luwak coffee.
2. But then you immediately promote elephant-processed coffee?
3. Not sure how I feel about a) Nespresso pods; b) milk dump over coffee…
4. The terrible acting between you and your wife was quite painful/awkward to watch.
5. I didn't understand the cup break joke.
6. As always, can't help thinking it's another no-backbone, cringe content.
7. Isn't this a credit card channel?
Single orgins >>>>
Bad advertising video!
Nespresso wtf is that?
nice t-shirt. I have few like The blazer comes across as a sophisticate. The t-shirt tells us another story. haha! 5 year old favorite t-shirt.
The look on that Holland coffee dealers face 😂 when he sold you that priceless.
Graham Stephan left the chat
wow I really like this episode!
Coffee nerd here and this video hurt me to my core. So bad
I’ll stick to my café bustelo
As soon as I saw the blade grinder: Aiight imma head out
Good thing I’m a tea drinker lol
Please tell us you made this as a parody! What a joke!
Oh and you live in the US now: we don't say "tastes nice" and you need to learn what a biscuit is!
Ben maybe file this video under mini-documentaries?
AS a self proclaimed coffee nerd – and someone who learned SO much from your channel over the past year – I appreciated this video so much.
My stomach dropped when he poured all that milk into it. May as well go to a museum to review some famous paintings but only look at them through the snapchat filters on your phone. Same energy.
Not to rain on the parade, but using a Nespresso machine for black ivory coffee is like putting premium fuel in a Toyota.
The equipments aren't up for the job and the brewing methods can also use some improvement. For example, the grinder can't grind beans to the size needed for expresso. Fine ingredients isn't all there is to a fine cup of coffee. It is entirely possible to brew a not so good cup of coffee with the best bean.
When I was in Bali we went to a Kopi Luak farm and had that coffee. And it as very very smooth. And I’m not a black coffee drinker. But I would drink that coffee plain without any creamer.
Desperately wanting a James Hoffman reaction video…
Graham Stephan has entered the chat!
What machine do you use to make it latte-like? Is that a special frother?