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Video Outline:
0:00 Intro
0:52 Market Update
4:36 My Message for this Market
11:06 Celsius Withdrawals Halted
15:07 ETH 2.0 Delayed?
16:20 Final Thoughts
16:56 Outro
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Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Brian Jung does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
#Crypto #Bitcoin
OMG Crypto Winter Wonderland
Wish I’d just sold at a smaller loss when it jumped up again and then rebought everything back right now.
Lol not a chance!
Y’all should I just hold and wait for it to go up
Corgie. Stoked on the beat market. Dollar cost averaging in and hoping it lasts a while
All roads lead to Cardano. Build slow and steady and prove your work.
do u think this is pushing for cryto to be regulated
Oh you all thought that since COVID-19 is more relaxed that life was going to be golden?
CoVID -19
Putin (Gross Name)
The Fed
Good luck
Not over yet….
“The battle is over, when I SAY it’s over!” -King Leonidas
was the word "Corgi"? couldn't hear clearly 😂😂
I'd say things will warm up again within 2-3 yrs from now. Patience is KEY 🔑 👌
It's a corgi market out there
Thanks for giving updates also when the markets are crashing
it's not over, it's not the end 🤟
Public sucks
Corgi! Thanks for the words of encouragement. My mantra is “Long Term” I have set my goals out to 5 years and 10 year goals.
Recession here we come
Officially “entering” bear market? Hahahahahahahahahaha – you just calling out the bear market? Hahahahahahahahaha
The markets are just started to crash it’s just a start of recession this is not the first dip
Oh my god you love to talk
I’m on the same page as you Brian. Quirky or quirgy
Corgi Gang, patience is key ladies and gents. Long term>short term rn. Just wait until we are out of a recession 😮💨😮💨😮💨
Cold storage device? God help these mothfudgers!!!
Corgi ! 😀👍
I lost my whole life savings in crypto
Corgi!!!! PORGI!!!!
Corgi thank you! First time viewer
Doge to the moon
Corgie ❤️
i needed this. thank you
It's far from over. Ethereum will go to beyond $100 mark after proof of stake is introduced. Between the Celsius demise and others to follow, there's just no other way around it.
Are u even in drip network cause I ain’t feeling none of that 😂
watch these cyrtos grow like crazy next year
Gym it is! I want to look great in that Lambo. ✌️
How many times is it going to be over 😂
Cowboy Corgi! Keep some dry powder on the side and take advantage of these dumpster sales!
Ayo so glad I kept my 20k bonus until now for my portfolio hahaha 🤪
If you open up more patrieon positions I’ll love you forever