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Video Outline:
0:00 Intro
0:33 Target Stock Crash
1:41 Market Analysis
5:33 My Thoughts on the Market
6:10 SEC vs. Binance
9:13 OpenSea Insider Trading
10:52 Bombshell Telegram Leaks Incoming
12:41 OnJuno
14:01 Outro
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Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Brian Jung does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
#Crypto #Bitcoin
You’re clueless! Regulation is needed to get big money in crypto.
great contents and wonderful videos. thanks for sharing …..
Can’t believe you’re from Rockville bro, I’m from silver spring and got my own business I’m hoping to grow. Thanks for the inspiration and looking forward to visiting gyuzo. Much love from Montgomery county!
June bro when will u have space in your discord
Just wait till August.
June will be a best month!!!!!!
June. How do i join your “exclusive “ club ?
If binance didnt get fair notice from SEC , its gonna be copy paste XRP lawsuit
Thank you for these updates! I love learning more and more and just increasing my financial IQ
June , great video. Really helpful
US is going to succeed like Europe to loose future blockchain development and people will flee to Dubai, Phuket or south America. just a bunch of loosers that want to catch what they believe that Crypto was something that will not last
June dump
I wonder if it's really gonna add up to other factors in terms of prices. It's never predictible though. I guess I'll just keep some usdt close in case we see a massive drop
hey wow
Just seen you on Snapchat amazing, big props.
Thanks Brian. For continuously giving us your time and valuable research. June.
Manipulated into a crypto winter to give them folks time to regulate
happy JUNE 8th!!
can you do a review on the kadena kda coin its a gem