Make Less Than $300,000? Good Luck w/ Inflation 😱 | Bloomberg Article Reaction – Ask Sebby

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Rmi March 22, 2022 - 11:28 pm

Costco sample lunch/snack trips were the best πŸ˜€
You're not alone.

Ben Wagner March 22, 2022 - 11:39 pm

What a stupid clickbait article title, you did a great job breaking it down practically though!🏈

Better with time March 23, 2022 - 12:24 am

So Sebby if your best bet is to increase your income, that leads me to this question- how do you start off in tech? Do I need an educational background? Can anyone answe this question for me?

Bayardo Lopez March 23, 2022 - 12:25 am

Loved this. Thanks Sebby 🏈

SoxGuy271 March 23, 2022 - 1:08 am

No way this article was peer reviewed. 🏈

Daniel March 23, 2022 - 1:25 am

Pet insurance is totally a thing. I think mine is amazing. Here’s the rough breakdown for mine. The policy $732 a year ($61 a month). First $250 of vet expenses a year I need to pay (the deductible). Then 90% reimbursement. His flea,tick,heartworm preventives are $40 a month, so $480 a year. His last vet visit was for his yearly exam and vaccinations was $215. That’s $695 in vet expenses. Then $732 for the insurance policy, my total expenses are $1427. But I get a 90% reimbursement past $250 on vet expenses, $695-$250=$445. $445*0.9=$400.50… So $400 back in reimbursements brings me down to $1027. Assuming I always go to the vet once a year and always get his flea/heartworm meds, I’ll always spend $695 on vet expenses. So my effective annual cost on his insurance policy is $332 after my 90% reimbursement past the deductible. If something happened, an extra vet visit $150-$200 after tests and medicine. That vet visit only costs me $15-$20 after the reimbursement. No sweat off my back if the vet says he needs $100 in medicine. Now imagine a dog needs surgery and it’s $5000, but your cost is down to $500. To me it really seems like a no brainer especially if you have a breed that may be more susceptible to something, like my dog has increased chances of IVDD.

WolfPatch March 23, 2022 - 2:50 am


Jmagnum8989 March 23, 2022 - 3:47 am

I am the ant watching the frogs eat themselves alive…

Jerald Macachor March 23, 2022 - 3:48 am

Sometimes we are penny wise and pound foolish.

We complain about gas prices, but buy luxury vehicles or regular ones but fully loaded.

We don’t buy healthier slightly more expensive food at the grocery, only to go to a sit down restaurant 2x a week.

We buy IKEA type furniture for our big gated suburban house, or our nice apartment in a fancy area.

Ross for clothes, LV for purses. Men’s warehouse suits with Rolex watches.

We’ll drop 2Gs easy on a 2 week excursion, but a 2K laptop that last 5 years is insane.

I find that we are quite inconsistent with reconciling money and our values.

Jen Foran March 23, 2022 - 5:15 am

🏈. Recently found you and happy that I did. Sold my duplex in December and moved back home to pivot to another property…changed my address and lost making one car payment in the shuffle…32 days late, only late payment on anything in 36 months of using credit karma and they dinged me 131 points, was a 759… I’m not ashamed to say I cried. Trying to regroup and move forward. Your channel is helping! Please keep creating, feeling inspired to give it a go myself after watching this video. πŸ™‚

Nasser March 23, 2022 - 7:09 am

Have an electric car so it doesn’t really affect us. We do rent our gas cars out of Turo. So doing that pays for our electric car payment, both the gas cars payments. And the Insurnace on all our cars. Plus some extra money monthly. It’s like scoring a touchdown 🏈

Trading Loss March 23, 2022 - 8:39 am

I make $600K before quarterly bonus and profit split. What inflation? What gas? I get driven, I don't drive. Crude Oil futures have been good in my book😎 This Bloomberg Opinion columnist isn't even an employee, so all those opinion articles can go in the trash, Bloomberg issues those to be 'diverse in opinion'. You want an article, Katie Greifeld from Bloomberg, she's an article indeed.😈 All you silicon valley bros just need to join us in quant finance, it's a matter of time before Citi, JPM, MS, GSCO, Citadel, Virtu poach all your good talent with packages that can't be matched. The financial arms race is where it's at, 0 latency or nothing. California and Palo Alto was so early 2000s.✌

jimmy jam March 23, 2022 - 11:20 am


matgemini March 23, 2022 - 11:42 am

Does activating a new 5x quarter on the freedom flex void the current 5x quarter?

Wayne Baiey March 23, 2022 - 12:16 pm

Love this session

SparkyPvP March 23, 2022 - 3:28 pm

Asian supermarket I should really go

ALFREDO RAMIREZ March 23, 2022 - 5:59 pm

Or you can just vote differently…

Shanne15 March 23, 2022 - 6:06 pm


Ha Ha Nguyening Adventures March 23, 2022 - 8:21 pm

I went from restaurant tacos and burritos to taco bell, and I am under the "poverty line"

Naveen March 24, 2022 - 12:33 am

Inflation was one of the shocks that motivated me to change careers. Now I'm making nearly double, but I had to get out of my comfort zone. Government overspending & the purposeful kneecapping of domestic energy production has to end.

DontBanMeBroDontBanMe! March 24, 2022 - 1:47 am

I have a dog, have pet insurance and at 7 years of age, he was diagnosed with cancer. He just recently finished his treatment. We saved so much by having pet insurance.

DontBanMeBroDontBanMe! March 24, 2022 - 1:49 am

My wife and I make very good money and while nobody likes paying more for gas, it's not an issue for us. However, at the same time, my wife has an 11 minute drive to work and I work from home 100% of the time as a programmer, so we really don't spend much on gas. HOWEVER, with all of that said, my next car, without a doubt, will be an EV. I love the idea of not even having to pay attention about news of gas prices going up or down.

tim burger March 24, 2022 - 3:04 am

Mad props for this video! Sebby has been so helpful with credit solutions, would never have known how to upgrade my card had it not been for this informational channel! Cheers!

Jasen Frederique March 24, 2022 - 4:07 am

Inflation is really over doing it now, I might have to step inπŸ₯Š

Ajay Goel March 24, 2022 - 4:39 am

Do you use the same camera for travel /lounge vids that you do at home?

Jesse Cardenas III March 24, 2022 - 7:17 am

98% of the country makes less than 300k dumb article 🀑
