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Video Outline:
0:00 Intro
0:38 Market Update
4:07 What It Means For You
6:03 What to do NOW
9:15 Strategies to Use in the Bear Market
12:59 Final Thoughts
15:35 FTX.US
16:27 Outro
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Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Brian Jung does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
#Crypto #Bitcoin
Welcome to the end of the world
I’m freaking out
I dig this channel 👍👍
Just be patient and continue to make informed, cautious plays
Thank you so much man 😊
Awesome video, just gotta keep buying more and HODL
I did not1 understand the liquidation part
LFG I’ve Never been this early into a YT video
I just gotta make sure my axax isn't getting liquidated. My apecoin went down by more than half, which is a funny goal 🤣
I got lots of dogecoin , gala , gal , ape , jasmy , Shiba inu, solana , xrp , gmt, bnb
Blood in the streets, lotta opportunity.
TSLA AND ETH long bag hold!!
Hope. A fitting word
Hope ! 🤜🤛
FAITH, HOPE, & LOVE…but the greatest of these is LOVE!
Hi guys! I'm still alive! Watch the UST PEG!
Im a buyer. Diamond papi
Which currently is on sale right now ?
Keep hope bro
Naaah, just a correction
Hope !!
MIA coin is seeing green and growth after May 5th's announcement over on Okcoin
Great video as always. I hope I can get into the discord
Thanks Brian.. Hope we get some positive moves this week..
If you have a brain. Buy when there’s blood in the streets 🥳
Putting our time and affort in activities and investments that yield a profitable return in the future is what we should be aiming for
Thanks Brian for hope,love listening to you .
Its been a bear market forever
Thanks 💙
4 year cycles 100% confirmed.
I hope I get an invitation:)
Luna over
I grabbed some Ethereum, Solana, Cosmos and Fantom. Tomorrow I'm going to get Some Kadena, Moonbeam, Acala and Coreum .
thanks for the pep talk!
Selling my work equipment & house to buy the dip 😎
Thx again Brian! I can't wait. This is my first bear market. Hope I chose some winners!!
Watch for 24k
Bottom could be there, but we lose 24k, then 14k might be on the table