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Video Outline:
0:00 Intro
0:32 Bitcoin Conference 2022
1:25 Market Overview
2:46 Fear and Greed
3:22 Bitcoin Analysis
6:16 Bitcoin Correction Influences
8:42 Altcoin Analysis & Kyber Network
11:36 FTX.US
12:40 Elon Declines Joining Twitter Board
13:31 Meta’s New Crypto – Zuck Bucks
15:02 Strike & Shopify Integration
16:17 Outro
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Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Brian Jung does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
#Crypto #Bitcoin
Believe in fundamentals, stick to your strategy's, don't fomo, don't panic sell, don't let emotions take over. Think long term.
The market is making me feel like I'm being dragged down by a pack of wild dachshunds.stop the madness
Gas 5:89
<<The general market for some days has been going up and down and even the crypto market is not left out, but the good thing is that every market gives us a certain leverage to benefits from. For me, i'm taking full advantage to continue *bitcoin day trading so as to grow a very strong portfolio ahead of the major bull market after this short correction. Mark k. Ronny deserves all praises from me due to his unfailing efforts, signals and guidance towards his traders. I'v gained 9.3 btc trading with his signals and services… SUPERB !!
Dachshund, thanks for the video Brian!
Hey Brian, love the video. I've been wondering, who is your thumbnail designer?
Dachshund! Great video!
Rich Brian, I have a question. If you had to only choose one between these cryptocurrencies, which would you pick? Stellar Lumens, The Graph, Amp, or Rally?
Lol wait for the real correction when the US gov says no more converting crypto to any fiat currency or you're a RUSSIAN
Wiener dogs hahah
Wiener dogs
I live in Australia, how do i withdraw from my coinbase account?
Dash hound
Dachshund sounds sounds very German and makes kind of sense but the German word everyone actually uses is Dackel
have a great day Brian and thanks for all the hard work!
Thank you Brian !!

8:42 is a gem… pay attention to that segment
<<All i know is this, the collapse from this new pump up is going to be EPIC!! All the big institutional buyers aren't buying to hold, they are buying to pump and dump! Its the little guy that's being set up to get REKT! Anyone who suggests BTC never comes down is whistling past the graveyard, this is a huge setup IMO, Im grateful to say, Ive earned a lot so far from last year 13 bitcoin and this year working with Jeffrey Allyn Hawkins through his strategy unbeatable TA been able to accumulate more than i can expose on here. The pump and dump has been a perfect eyeopener for us all to really see how unpredictable the market can be.
Weiner dogs
Welcome back Brian, my man

Datsun lol dotsun dotson
It’s also worth mentioning that despite the coin’s drop since late last year, developers have continued to work
Dachshund oh lord that's a hard spell lol thanks for the guidance brother I feel confident in the structure of the market!
Ape coin
Thanks for the market review.
We are witnessing the Biggest Bear Trap of 2022!
I'll def give you a shout out when I'm on my Yatch, or private Jet!
Yo Brian, would it be a good time to invest in SOL and AVAX
Wow used the opportunity to stack up more SATS on atomicwallet yesterday, I love it
Great work. Wiener dogs are neat like u.
Robinhood black swan event adding new crypto
let's see where this goes. Dipp n buy or moon?
£1.75ish a litre around London