🚨 Improve your credit score with Kickoff:
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If you want to know how to build credit, watch this video. We go into what I believe is the most important factor of credit that you can think of in building a good credit score, credit utilization. By lowering my utilization i got an 800 credit score.
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@Ben Hedges, you’re always creating great content. Keep up the great work. I’ve been watching you since August and you haven’t disappointed me at all.
Great video although one time I did get hit with huge utilization even before the statement balance closed. Kind of weird.
I'm out of the game.
Because of your tips I’ve reached 825 on credit karma at 20 years old as of yesterday thanks for your content over the years
Great video!
I tried singing chase a song to forgive my late payment fee and they ended up closing my account.
The real secret is 1% credit utilizion it gives extra points long term
Thanks again for all this detailed information. You have helped me repair mistakes I made to my credit I made in my youth.
How do I check my FICO 2, 4 and 5? I currently use Experian app and pay the membership
I maxed out a card , if I transfer that balance to a higher limit card with the same credit card issuer will it affect my credit score ? I have 0% APR for 15 months for transfers, is this one balance only or can I keep transferring for 15 months ?
The most important factor in improving your credit score is starving yourself and working out in your late teens to early twenties so you can attract or prey upon someone who is rich, a high earner, or at a minimum has a large potential for success. This accomplishes a few things:
1)You can actually state higher income on credit products without lying;
2)The person you snookered, I mean married will pay off your debt obligations;
3)Most legit employers offer a complimentary death insurance benefit based on some factor times the newly deceased salary. This can vary greatly but I've seen 2x-3x the salary at death but can also vary if they are on the clock or not. To be safe get a separate life insurance policy.
4)What's better than a perfect payment history? A perfect payment history with really big numbers. For more manual reviews, at least, being able to pay off millions compared to thousands certainly will be more enticing to lenders. It gives them a stiffy.
Credit age
So are you saying maxing one card dings your credit more than spreading it out? The overall utilization percentage would be the same in both cases. If so, this adds another consideration for me, and is not how I understood it to work.
Thanks for all the great content you've posted over the years.
So I have educated myself on using credit but im kinda stuck on the 720s trying to reach 800s. How to increased your score when you already have a good score should make an excellent new video idea @Ben
"Sing them a song"….LMAO
Amazing info as always. Thank you Ben!
I just took my biggest hit yet for opening a new account… 41 points. Was my 3rd card making 5 total active accounts. Have a student loan consolidation that just went through, that's gonna hit my age of accounts again and likely drop me into the 'good' rating. I know it'll bounce back but I was at 796 prior to this.
Might want to talk about freezing 2 credit reports to force credit card applications to go to other credit agencies then rotating which reprts you freeze, this can help keep inquory levels down since some credit companies ping multiple reports, by freezing reports you force them to only ping one 👍
Iam trying
Always pay bill on time
I'm the most anal person on the planet when it comes to utilization as I don't even let any of my 3 charge cards report more than a $100 balance and I don't even plan on using my credit for a while and yet I still never give up this practice because I absolutely refuse to ever fall into credit card debt.
I'm going to send this video to all my friends and family who always ask me for help with their credit because I think my strategy is far too anal for most people LOL! I usually tell them to disregard the score of credit karma but to look at credit karma instead for the "credit factors" and every month make it your goat have the top three factors read as such "Payment History 100%, Credit Use 0% or 1% at the highest, and Derogatory Marks 0" and if you do that than regardless of what the other factors state you will be in good shape. My utilization is currently at 0% overall and the highest utilization on any of my cards is 3% and that's on my Capital One card with the lowest credit limit but every other card I have is either reporting 0% or 1%.
Jus added this service. Thanks so much.
The best way I have found to minimize my utilization while still taking advantage of adding on-time payments to my report is to always pay on time and in full, and then make interim payments before your statement close date to bring your utilization down to 1-2%. You want your balance at the statement close date as close to $0 as possible, but not $0 or below so that you still have an on-time payment reported. Although it can be more difficult for many to manage their credit cards like that, I've found that's the best way to do it, especially if you're early on in the credit game and have really low credit limits. Great video Ben!
☝️☝️☝️I literally don’t want to talk about SWIPE_FUNDS but damn he’s got the real sauce man… still hitting af 🔥💵
Hope you have plans to use that credit score
Jesus saves. Love you guys.
I received a new card w/ low credit limit. If I wanted a higher credit limit, I was advised that spending 60-75% in the first few months would encourage the card issuer to increase the credit limit. Is this true and is this a good idea?
My other credit cards maintain a very low credit utilization with fairly high limits.
I had an 826 but once one of my 3 remaining student loans were paid off I’m stuck at 790. I’m afraid of paying off the last two (average age 12 years).