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Video Outline:
0:00 Intro
0:30 Strategy #1 💰 Earn Up to 8% APY On Your Crypto:
4:40 Strategy #2 💰 Kucoin Earn 50% Staking:
11:01 Strategy #3 💰Pancake Swap Yield Farming:
16:37 Outro
Mentioned Sources:
Gemini Stablecoin:
Gemini February Audit:
Kucoin Flexible Staking:
Yield Farming Explained:
My Essential Crypto Security Bundle
⮕ 🔒 83% Off + 3 Months Free VPN Deal:
⮕ 🔒 My Favorite Cold-Storage Crypto Wallet:
⮕ 🔒 Yuibkey Data Protection Key
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Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the links and other products that appear are from companies which Brian Jung may earn a small affiliate commission. The offers shown in these videos are competitively the best offers you can find all while supporting this channel.
Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Brian Jung does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
#Crypto #Bitcoin
Yo I need a haircut
Turtle 🐢
Turtle.thanks brian
What about Polkadot? I think it should definitely be mentioned among those
Turtle 🐢
is it a good idea to stake axs for 30 days right now? 75% is insane
turtle – slow and steady wins the race!
But how to withdraw money on Gemini? It's insane bro
Thank you for this short and to-the-point video …helpful and useful 👏👏
Staking CRO 💪
turtle vs. the hare. TURTLE !
CRO and steady wins the race! 🐢
My ALTCOINs to watch out for are SHIB, XMR, POLY, ADA,LUNA,SOL, HBAR & XRP.
Turtle, another great video, I didn't think I could use kukoin or Gemini in the US. Will definitely utilize your links. Thanks Brian
Is the 50%, if you staked, for the whole year or just those few days?
I dig your take on the Doug score. I'm also a big fan.
Love you dude ! Still believe this is one of the best channels when it comes to crypto insights . Keep promoting your channel to others . Keep the contents flowing bruh 👊🏾👊🏾
brian are you hitting the gym? looking amazing
Thanks Brian! You should do a video on yield farming!
turtle. ..hey Brian .what are your thoughts on Audio/Audys..please respond
Thank you as always!!