United FIRST Class 💺 During Coronavirus 😷 – Flight Review (Covid-19 Pandemic) – Points Panda

by YouTube Team

What is United First Class like During the Pandemic? I’ll do a flight review both United Domestic First Class from Orlando to Houston and United Business Class to Mexico City as well. Enjoy!
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Is United business class and first class worth it during Coronavirus? I’ll answer these questions in the video. With airport lounges closed and food service onboard reduced, I’d say its generally not worth it but in my case it was and i’ll explain why. I’ll also review whether its worth it to use United Mileageplus miles or not. I’ll also explain why I flew out of Orlando despite being closer to Tampa and i’ll review the United Terminal E lounge in Houston which happened to be open. I was flying with my dog as well so enjoy the cute photos and videos!

#United #FirstClass #Coronavirus #Pandemic

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Michael Goffredi July 27, 2020 - 9:42 pm

Lookin good Freddy!

gankala8 August 19, 2020 - 9:22 pm

Too much talking and way too little flight experience video.

Jonathan Colorado October 16, 2020 - 3:39 am

So it looks like routes hovering under 2 hours’ flight time, including to international destinations, do not offer alcohol or meal service in first/business.

tjay0005 February 20, 2021 - 1:56 am

This is a pretty informative video 💯🙌🏾 I flew American Airlines last week and they said it was a full flight but it's because they did the seat spacing for passengers for social distancing
